Friday, April 07, 2006

Why noobjectivereality?

I personally believe that there is no objective reality.Now, when I say that,I don' mean it literally.All that I say is even if there exists an Objective reality we can never come to know about it.
Here is a small,loose and non-rigorous proof for it :
Let us assume that the objective reality exists.Suppose a person X comes to know about it.Then obviously there is no way for him to verify that it is indeed an objective reality. If he asks somebody whether it is an objective reality then the opinion that the person will give will be based on his own beliefs, which essentially is a subjective opinion. On the other hand somebody "claims" that he is aware of it, then again there will be no way to "independently" verify it. Whichever way you go you will land up with a person or a group of people who think that their version of reality is "objective" which essentially is nothing but their subjective opinion about the reality. Now let us assume that you as a person start believing that a particular version of reality is objective without asking for an external probe for it.Then it is essentialy a subjective opinion of yours which can't be really termed as objective.
Absence of methods of verifications is really what makes the Objective reality elusive.

"Hello World !"

As a computer engineering student I am doing what every programming book does. Demonstrate a "Hello World!" program which does nothing but to write "Hello World !" on the console.